Tuesday, March 20, 2007

CFP: How To Do Things with Letters (Modernist Studies Association)

CFP: How To Do Things with Letters (Modernist Studies Association)

Modernist Studies Association, 9th Annual Conference
1-4 November 2007 / Long Beach CA

“How To Do Things with Letters”

This panel seeks proposals on Modernist letter writing. Possible subjects include the personal correspondence of writers, how it enabled careers, travel and relocation, as well as community
formation; travel writing in epistolary form; letters and imperialism; the little magazines’ dependence on epistolary networks for subscriptions and submissions both solicited and not; “London” and “Paris” letters in American literary magazines; letters-to-editors; letters between writers and their publishers; letters between writers who met infrequently or not at all; epistolary novels; epistolarity and impressionism; temporality and letters; correspondence recycled into poems, novels, memoirs, biographies; and the editing and reception of published letters. A wide net is cast here because this field of study remains quite unorganized.

Please send proposals of 250-500 words and brief (no more than one page) CVs to Logan Esdale (esdale@chapman.edu), Assistant Professor at Chapman University (Orange CA), by 22 April 2007.